- Sonehenge was built in Salsbury Plain, Wiltshire England, ca. 2750-1500 B.C.
- Its functions have been debated, but it was once believed it was built by Merlin. Now, scholars tend to believe it was used as a way to track the movement of the sun, to schedule harvest times and as a gathering place of the Druids.
2. What is idealism and realism?
- Idealism is a philosophy that states that we are nothing without our thoughts. Our thoughts are what make things "real". Thoughts make up your reality, without thoughts there is no reality. In art, the artisit depicts how the image should look or the "ideal" for that image
- Realism is a philosophy of art, where the artist depicts things as they are. If you were looking at the art, you get the same reaction as if you were looking at the real thing.
3. What relationship exists between Roman art and Roman politics?
- I think the major relationship between Roman art and politics was that all of their art seemed to be representative of the current political undertones. The Colosseum, for example, was built to host "entertainment" of sorts. Accused criminals and "gladiators" (sometimes, those terms meant the same things) would fight each other and animals, do the death. The Roman art illustrates the beliefs of the time as well as gives us good hints as to what they were thinking.
4. What do the terms Pagan and Christian mean?
- Pagans worshipped gods and goddesses (polytheism) and concentrated their worship to nature and things in the natural world. They believed in supernatural powers and use spells and "magic potions" to manipulate the world around them and to bring desired results.
- Christians are monotheistic (believing in only one true God). This religion is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament of the Bible.
5. Three Renaissance artists and examples of their work:
** Pieta, Michelangelo

**Ginevra de' Benci, Leonardo da Vinci
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